Sunday, October 11, 2009

It's all about the money....or is it???'s all about the money is it???


USA didn't seem to care so much about money when they scrapped multiple Nichols episodes for Season 8 - after they were already filmed! (From what I remember from the info about S8, they scrapped three of them, which is nearly half of all the eps for Nichols/Wheeler!)

They didn't seem to care about money when they got rid of the show-runner for the Nichols episodes - and some of the writers, too. And then had to rewrite scripts and re-shoot episodes!

They didn't seem to care about money when they postponed the start of S8 three different times!

Frankly, all this talk about money is pretty suspect after all of that.

USA took Criminal Intent from NBC so that Dick Wolf could have his landmark seasons and beat Gunsmoke. They promoted the heck out of our show for S7. They beat the Goren drum hard - even had him deliver a pie to Mary to "welcome" In Plain Sight to the USA Network. All those wonderful spots with Goren doing his distracted, head-scratching thing...even trying to lift the USA logo off the screen. Cuteness! And Eames standing by looking very amused with the logo thing...and then that neat spot with the "crime scene" being boxed up and carried away. Yes! It was clear that Goren and Eames were the DRAW! That was what was grabbing the fans attention. (Some very amusing Logan spots, too! Let me not forget him - it's just that we are talking Goren here, y'all!)

And now....

They are ditching Goren and Eames both, possibly Ross, too, and only keeping Nichols....the new guy who was supposed to be taking Logan's place as the "in tandem" detective lead.

Yes folks...that's "in tandem" as in "together" in "side-by-side" in "sharing the duties". That is how it is supposed to be....

Instead, USA has decided to make Nichols the darling and give Goren the boot. Goren, who is the foundation of the show and who the show was originally written around.

And please not take this as a slam on Jeff Goldblum for Pete's sake! It's not his fault that USA decided to try making Nichols a Goren-clone. He plays the hand he's dealt like anyone else.

The USA Network took us for a ride and then back-stabbed us. I do not for one moment believe that the "lighter fare" comments are the result of the TV writers' own opinions. It's coming from somewhere. (As in, from inside the USA Network!)

USA has handled this whole thing like a bunch of drunken frat boys telling stories out of school. They've leaked info to all sorts of sources and then, when most of the information was already out there, released their cop-out "official" statement.

The USA Network - other wise known as The Unprofessional Sneaky Asinine Network.

Keep fighting...keep believing...because the silence is more deafening than ever and this thing has been gathering momentum since the beginning. We have to keep pushing them...keep it rolling and let it snowball into something bigger and bigger...

This is a good week to deluge them with snail mail as well as email. With the big fluff shipment set for the 16th (Friday), how much better to have them buried in postcards and other fluffy stuff on that day, too!



  1. But this is what I love about D'Onofrio: He is such a class act that he is saying nothing derogatory about the show, its creator, or USA. If it was him who wanted out, I believe he would have said it.

    Unfortunately, the only thing (I think) that might convince the powers that be that they made a mistake is if the ratings with the new players tank... and by then it will be too late to get our beloved Eames and Goren back... Major WAAHH... I will miss them very much but am glad there were as many seasons as there were. I still hope they realize the error of their ways and keep them!!

  2. I will miss seeing new episodes, but I'd much rather watch reruns of LOCI starring D'Onofrio/Erbe than the usual crap that's not worth my time. Jeff Goldblum is more comedic than dramatic, it's doubtful the show will last much longer than this next season. Once the original pair of Goren & Eames goes off into the sunset, so will the show.
    God's Blessing to D'Onofrio, Ms. Erbe & Mr. Bogosian in the future endevors.

  3. Losing D'Onofrio & Erbe is a tragety. Vincent was the greatest Sherlock Holmes of our time. Erbe was also fantastic. They will be missed.
