Monday, January 11, 2010

A Very Special Letter

All the letters we are receiving are so special! I really enjoyed the trio one fan sent over the weekend. At the end of each letter were little notes written to the characters! Great idea!

But this one should take a special place in the heart of the writer of the episode (who, forgive me, I haven't looked up) as well.

Thanks for allowing us to share this Amy!

Dear Vincent D’Onofrio,

Hello! My name is Amy, and I just wanted to thank you for your awesome work as Detective Robert Goren. I have always enjoyed the different approach of Criminal Intent, and around my house, whenever it is on, someone hollers, “Bobby’s on!”

You have probably heard how you or your work has changed someone’s life, but in my case, it’s true. As I was watching “Probability,” where Goren and Eames discover that Wally Stevens has Asperger’s Syndrome, something prompted me to watch it again. As you/Goren read the list of symptoms, something clicked. It made me interested enough to visit with a therapist, and I found out that I have Asperger’s. Being 40 years old at the time, and finally finding that which I have searched so long for was such a relief!

I wanted to thank you so much for showing compassion towards “Wally,” as it felt a little like you were showing all Aspies that same compassion. It was the first time anyone had shown me a positive reaction, rather than the reactions I have gotten over the years. I know, you were playing a part, saying and doing what the script said, but I’d like to believe that you put a lot of yourself into that role, and it wasn’t all coming from the script.

I am sad and sorry to see you leave Criminal Intent, but I would like to wish you great luck in your future endeavors. Thank you ever so much for Bobby Goren!



  1. Awwww, that is nice, and ironically that episode just aired yesterday, same day you posted her letter. When I was working at an assisted-living facility I got talking to a fellow worker who was relatively new. As we got to know each other she shared information about her son and problems he was having...I suggested to her that it sounded like he might have Asperger's Syndrome due to his "patterning" behavior. She took him to a doctor who diagnosed him with that very same condition. This was a great episode, very touching and handled with care and respect, it's one of my favorites.

  2. Toda la serie de loci, siempre a tocado temas que muchos lo ignorabamos, no tenia ni idea de la exisatencia de esa emfer,mmedad o sindrome como así tambien de otras, cmo soy curiosa investigo y asi he aprendido bastatente, tambien la forma de encarar la investigaciòn e interrogatorio de Bobby me gusta haciendo crecer mi interes por la psicologia, él tiene una manera especial de aactuar, cientamente que le fue indicado poreo igual le da algo muy particular, como susmirada, la inclinación de su cabeza, el movimiento de sus manos, hayyyyyyy esas manor bellas, sus ojos entrecerrados, ese no se que, que solamente Bobby lo hace. hablo en presente porque me niego a aceptar que ya no estará, tengo la certeza de que volverá. GOREN SIIIII.... OTRO NO!!!!!!!!! TE AMO BOBBY

  3. Wow! Amy, your story is amazing and inspiring! Thank you for sharing!

  4. Amy, thanks so much for letting us share this with everyone! Your story really touched me when I read it. :)
