Sunday, May 30, 2010

An Appetizer....

We began this blog October 2, 2009 when the news was breaking that Vincent D’Onofrio, Kathryn Erbe and Eric Bogosian were being forced out of Law and Order Criminal Intent. We jumped on the Stuff the Fluff campaign in an effort to save our show. We sent postcards and cases of marshmallow Fluff to USA Network executives and announced a daily media “Hit List” to shout our displeasure of the removal of our characters. We insisted USA fix it. By the end of October, when it was apparent the actors were not coming back, we all began bashing USA and NBC Networks in blogs and on Facebook and Twitter. And that still continues….

On November 16 we posted a proposal to see if anyone would be interested in contributing a letter, poem or artwork to a big Thank You for each of the stars. The format? A Goren-type binder as suggested by Aunt Dahlia on the USA forum.

We asked if people would contribute letters; we surveyed to ask for preferred binder styles; we rented a mailbox and we tried to get the word out as best we could. We set a deadline. We extended the deadline. We added the Tributes page. We added beautifully written “Form” letters. We received emails and letters, stitched & decorated pages, illustrations, fanfiction and fan videos from all over the world. And we are still receiving them on the web as the public learns of the loss of Goren and Eames.

Well, we’ve been quiet. Very quiet. On Friday night, what we hinted about in our May 22 Blog post came true.

Our Binder Project Administrative Anchor, Susan (accompanied by her husband), went to Joe’s Pub in New York City for the screening of Don’t Go In The Woods (See the NYTimes article here) where Susan delivered Vincent D'Onofrio's binder.

So for all those awesome people who contributed letters and supported the Criminal Intent Binder Project; the next few blog posts are for you.

The whole story? Soon! When Susan recovers and is once again able to type! There will be photos of the binder pages and Vincent.

Here is a teaser..... Vincent's Binder boxed and be-ribboned, ready for delivery


  1. What a tease! Can't wait for more to come. Thank you again so very, very much!


