Monday, January 23, 2012

Goren vs Rodgers

We all remember those amusing moments with Goren in M.E. Rodgers exam room. He was constantly touching things, poking at the corpse, picking up severed hands and such. (The look on Rodgers face when he did that was priceless!)

Recently, I began following Leslie Hendrix on Twitter, and a comment she made in an email to a fellow Vincent fan prompted me to send her a Tweet. (See the blogpost containing the email here). Below is a screenshot of my Tweet and her response. Just like Rodgers, Leslie Hendrix ROCKS! :)


  1. That's cool Barb. She seems like a pretty neat lady. "Goren Hands down" lol

  2. Uh there are Facebook/Twitter profiles to get the show back on NBC. Fans are ACTUALLY sending emails/letters to NBC. Maybe we should all hop on board. We can't get Vincent back, but Kathryn's still available! Besides, I've always wondered what Eames would do without "Batman", I mean Goren!

    Here: & - I need an 11th season of LOCI and I'll be willing to settle with Kathryn, she's capable to be the show's lead. But I wonder if D'Onofrio would return to close out Goren? Long as he's not killed off on the show, I'm fine? Anyone else?

